Hadini's Hotel

Founded by the great wizard Hadini just a moment ago, the magic Hadini's Hotel is looking forward to your visit! Or maybe you have visited before? Or maybe you have been stuck in it for months? Either way, we are glad to have you!

Did you know?

Hadini's Frequent Venturers

Anyone can stay in Hadini's hotel, but to get the most out of the experience, you should try to go on an adventure! For heroes that go out multiple times, we have arranged the Hadini's Frequent Venturers programme. This gives you access to more exciting adventures, as you grow into the hero you've always want to be.

Member Status Levels Vouchers to level up Usual bounty
Explorer 1 to 4 one for levels 1 and 2;
two after that
30 gp
Bronze Member 5 to 10 two per level 100 gp
Silver Member 11 to 16 two per level 700 gp
Gold Member 17 to 20 three per level 3500 gp

Every session you attend, you will receive one voucher. To level up, you can exchange vouchers according to the table above. In order to level up, you must have a long rest, but you can usually get those in between sessions while staying at the Hotel. You are never required to level up. For more information, ask Bobrik at the giftshop in the Hotel.

The management of Hadini's Hotel is not liable for any loss, including but not limited to magical items, familiars, spell slots, hit dice, and lives of loved ones, party members or yourself.

Our staff

Hadini (unclear; he/him)

Founder and namegiver of the Hotel. A larger than life figure that mostly dons the guise of a stylish elderly gentleman. Known for his eccentric headpiece. Since the first attempt at stealing it from him, he has been spotted with a tophat, a pointy hat and a red hat with feathers, but some say Hadini is only his true self when he wears his fez.

Who is he really? Archfey of fiend? Friend or foe? Nobody knowns. The one thing that is true about him: he hates to get bored.

Veronika (gnomish; she/her)

Uptight gnomish lady with a golden pair of glasses. She runs the day to day management of the hotel, most importantly making sure all quests and favors aimed at Hadini are matched to an adventure party. She looks slightly worn and stressed, as anybody doing her thankless job would be.

Bobrik (elfish; they/them)

A well-fed elf full of energy, who runs the gift store and knows everything you need to know about the voucher programme. Probably the most willing staff member of Hadini's Hotel, but can be much less helpful than they want to be due to their enthousiasm.

Miss Gibbons (tiefling; she/her)

A short elderly tiefling lady who is in charge of the breakfast area, but occasionaly does bar shifts too. She's usually just drinking her tea in a corner, not minding anybody in particular. You have to speak a bit louder dear, I can barely hear you if you murmer like that.

... and many other staff members you might or might not encounter!

House Rules

  1. Enjoy what you do and make sure the rest of the table does too.